Tag Archives: fuel

Next Best Thing


Workout – elliptical, 30 minutes.  strength, 20 minutes.  I really miss putting ‘running’ next to my workout.  makes me very sad.  I miss it dearly.  I did a pretty easy elliptical workout, just letting the legs rest.  but what my soul really needs is a nice, good run.  I was on a self imposed no run diet for 3 weeks before the marathon to give some TLC to my shins.  it’s now two days after the marathon and I have another one in a week and a half.  stuck between a rock and a hard place.  technically, this is ‘taper’ time, but I’ve been tapering for far too long.  I’m still nervous to run too much because my right shin is lagging behind a bit.  get on board.

this non running is starting to make me very anxious, and fidgety and do crazy things like not stalk the lululemon website or storefront weekly.  it certainly didn’t help that the marathon didn’t go so hot and made me curse all things running related.  what has happened?  who am I?  the world is out of order.  this is by far the longest time I have not run consistently since I really consistently started running last winter/spring.  so I keep reminding myself that there is a season for everything.  everything happens for a reason.  I will get my running back.  whatever I may have lost in these three, four, five weeks will come back, and will come back stronger.  Patience.  I have a marathon next weekend, and this is what I’m continuing to rest my legs for.  This is what I tell myself to keep from doing something crazy like strap on my kinvaras and speed down the street.  not a good idea.

What is a good idea, is enjoying the amazing weather we have had this week.  maybe a tad hot yesterday, but the weather got its act together today and stuck in the high 70’s.  for the sanity of this household and the safety of my town, it’s a good thing the weather is beautiful during April vacation when we have no real plans – the kids can play outside to their hearts content and mommy stays happy.  and the sunshiny days make me want to just get the weights outside and plank my little core away. 

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Bring those weights outside and do another little mommy version group fitness.  my mini planker.  in a dress.  on her toes.  in flip flops.  she’s no joke.

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I really love to do strength workouts.  and they are really so simple and easy to get done.  I just pick 3 or 4 exercises that pop into my head, usually ones that work multiple and different body parts – and circuit through them 3 or 4 times, interjecting some ab work in between.  feels so good.  not running, but it’s soaking up the vitamin D and doing something. next best thing to me.  I am positive strength work made me a better runner.  it may be coincidence, but I neglected my strength workouts quite a bit in training for this past marathon, and I could feel the difference.  something to think about. 

As glorious as the sun and the vitamin D are, there are just those days where after 2 hours at the playground and all afternoon outside – the thought of having to bathe and get three kids ready for bed at the end of a terribly long day makes me weep a little inside.  just a little.  I contemplate sending them right to bed, but the sand in their hair and dirt all over their faces tells me that would be crossing into neglect and that’s not nice.  no one likes to go to bed dirty.  bath it is.  I guess I’ll feed them tonight too.  demanding little children they are.

The little beauties are bathed and sleeping peacefully trying to take down the walls in the bedroom.  at least that’s what I’m hearing from little man’s room.  he thinks sleep is overrated as of late.  he thinks 4:30 is an appropriate and productive time to start the day.  we, his parents, disagree.  but there is not much negotiating with a 2 year old.  he will take the walls down if we don’t oblige.  so here we are.  back to 4:30 wakeups for the past few days.  hoping it’s another phase.  much like my lack of running.  maybe he’s feeling anxious too that his poor mama can’t run.

A List.  for easy reading.

1. I have been diligently icing and stretching.  I’m an icing and stretching convert.  I never used to do this.  ever.  if you have tightness, soreness, any-ness, take the time to love it, nurse it, heal it.  you need it.  never too busy for ice.  and a roller. 

2. Speaking of ‘recovery’ and preventive activities, I am going to talk more about that later in the week.  which probably means it will be more like next week or the week after because some how these weeks go by and all I can figure out how to do is talk about nonsense on this little blog and the meaningful stuff just sneaks in here and there.  but I did read some good things.  they will find their way onto this blog.  stick with me.

3. I am meeting up with a soon to be in real life friend/blogger tomorrow.  yay!  excited.  I’m also going to renew my license tomorrow so for once I can avoid a late fee.  not so yay.  and I should probably wash my hair because this picture is very important.  I am excited to see them try to get a picture of me without one of my 3 children in it.  hehe.  I also might visit the track tomorrow.  and keep it easy peasy.  up for debate.  I just want to run.

4.  I made a pretty fun dinner tonight – if you like Indian food.  I made it up.  I will share that too.  in keeping with what I said in point #2, don’t expect it anytime soon.  I think I still owe you some sort of chicken chili recipe or something like that.  I’ll get to it.  I’ll sit down and have a ‘recipe’ night and get it all together.  promise. 

5. I forgot to mention the Honey Stingers that I bought to try for my marathon.  I had them before the race and I LOVED them.  so good.  so natural.  but they obviously don’t help ditch a poor racing attitude, as noted in the marathon recap.  they also don’t have that awful gu, gel, chomp taste/feel to them.  good stuff

6. Don’t forget to enter the SWEATY BAND GIVEAWAY!!! 

7. WELCOME TO MY NEW READERS:-)  I have some new peeps checking out my little blog.  please make yourselves comfortable and stay awhile.  I’m just a crazy little mom trying to keep it all together in this crazy little life.  feel free to chime in and enjoy the ride:)

    I think that’s it. 


Are you nursing any injuries right now?

If you can’t run, what’s the next best thing for you?

Who is getting ready for a race this weekend?

What time do you get up in the morning?  What time would you like to get up in the morning?



Is it still Tuesday??? 🙂



I’m Compressed and the Weather


Workout – so far, it’s a repeat of yesterday.  tough one.  I have a track date planned for tonight.  glory.  My track and I have some catching up to do.  But I’m pretty sure we won’t be alone.  I’m thinking it’s going to be a short and sweet little tempo run.  5 miles total.  including 1 mile warmup and cooldown.  I’ll keep you posted on the actuality of what happens at the sweet little track.  I want to wear the Brooks that I am planning on running the race in, but to be nice to my shins, I feel like I should sport the Mizuno Waverider 15’s for some extra support.  Then I feel like the track is pretty supportive and cushiony and like running on a cloud (because I have indeed done that before and I know what it’s like) and don’t need a ton of extra support from the sneaks.  I’m telling you – big decisions are happening this week, high stress.  much is at stake here.  what IS a girl to do???

Let’s talk about other important pre-race ‘things’ – like the weather.  Weather.com has obviously been on the top of my list of websites visited this week.  You better believe I have been stalking it since April 5th when I could view the 10 day forecast, and praying that rain stays far away.  as well as snow, sleet, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunami’s and anything of the like.  weather is unpredictable.  I don’t want any of it in Narragansett this weekend.  except for mild 60’s and partly cloudy.  looks like I get what I want.  Looking mighty fine in the weather department. 

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Saturday the 14th.  mostly cloudy and 63.  beautiful.


Another pre-race week activity is thinking about all the things I need but don’t have that might be superbeneficial during and after the marathon.

#1 Item – Compression shorts.  I love my compression calf sleeves.  I’ve heard a lot about the benefits of compression shorts for recovery.  I have never worn them.  this is the race to try them out.  I grabbed a pair at the running store – to my surprise they were much cheaper there than at my favorite online running apparel store, runningwarehouse.com.  I got home and put them on.

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CW-X Womens Pro Short.  I’m a pro.

And I will be sporting this sexiness for the next 3 days.   I think I might even sleep in them.  I LOVE them.  If you’ve been reading my blog for more than 5 minutes, you know that I LOVE a lot of things running and non running related.  and I do.  This is the great thing about running – all of the great running ‘support’ items there are, like compression apparel.  and cute skirts.  and great sneakers.  these are shorts are phenomenal.  so comfortable.  so compressed.  However, I was not happy when the sales dude said, sorry miss, we don’t have a medium, which is what you need, why don’t you just try a large because the small definitely won’t fit.  ok sales dude.  I’ll take the small then, and show you that they fit.  they fit.  perfectly.  thank you.  I’ll take the small and you can keep your mouth shut mr. ‘large and in charge’ sales dude.

#2 Item – Socks.  A good pair of socks are pretty key to having a comfortable and successful running experience.  I love the Experia socks.  there goes the ‘L’ word again.  so much love around here.  But, they are pretty thick socks.  and I had mentioned that I think the seam was bothering my little pinky toe when I ran in my new sneaks.  The other running socks I have are too thin.  So I picked up these little babies.


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Balega Womens Enduro 4

They feel like the perfect in between thickness – not too thick, not too thin – for this little goldilocks runner.  must be perfect.

#3 Item – Fuel.  I talked about fueling a little bit yesterday.  I can tolerate the sport beans, but can only do one per race because they are such a pain in the butt to chew and run and store in a pocket.  not to mention they get sticky and gross by the end of the race.  a mess.  I saw the watermelon flavor and had to have them.  I love anything watermelon flavor.  I still plan on mainly relying on the Gatorade and water on the course, but like to have my ‘back up’ fuel in the pockets 

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I also saw those honey stinger chews.  I wanted to try them out.  I usually take some sort of gu or energy something or other about 30 minutes before the start.  I am planning on taking these.  unless they taste like crap, then I will throw down some of the sport beans.

#4 Item – Headband.  I always wear a headband and generally wear a braid for the longer runs/races.  I have a couple of bic bands, but I don’t want to wear either of them for this run.  I saw this pretty little one when I was getting my shorts and I liked it.  it has joined the plethora of running apparel in my closet and I think it will be very happy there. 

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Sweaty Bands  (the big nose shot is complementary)

It is just like the bic bands that I have.  It’s sort of felty on the other side and does not budge.  wonderful.  and the colors are bright and fun.


Weather forecast is good.  Compressing is underway.  I’ve been slacking in doing the stretching, icing, rolling exercises, but will be spending some quality time with the massage stick and ice bag tonight after my run.

Less than 3 Days.

And WHO IS RUNNING BOSTON ON MONDAY?!?!  How is your tapering going?  How are the nerves doing??

Very exciting.  That race is not really on my radar yet.  I’m excited to do NYCM in the fall.  That will be my big city race.  Maybe one day I will do Boston.  maybe.

Do you like to wear your hair a particular way for a race?  I like the braid because it keeps everything pulled back and not flopping around.  I don’t need flopping while I’m running.