Category Archives: sleeping

Early morning wakeup call


Well helloooo 4:45 am wakeup to my sweet little angel face darling 2 year old bubbly bouncing baby boy.  I’ve really missed you since 8pm last night when you went to bed, and was hoping you wouldn’t sleep until 7am so that I could see you sooner.  We thought we were out of the woods with the early riser – he is making a reappearance.  just to keep us young. 

Refresher – what we do at 5am.  when all the fun happens.

Eat cereal.  he was being camera shy.  probably still a little sleepy.  I was bright eyed and bushy tailed.  puttin’ on a happy face.  and I either severely over tweezed that eyebrow, or the lighting is weird.  I think the lighting is weird.  

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Play with the digger.  work to be done by 5:30am. 

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Hide in the castle. you won’t fit in there, luke. 

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Sidenote- I just realized there are about twice as many picture “effects” on instagram that I didn’t know you could scroll over to use.  yeah.  little slow.  it’s like discovering instagram all over again.  fun.

Workout – EASY peasy 4 mile run, rolling hills.  no garmin.  no stress.  no speed.  no treadmill.  no clue about my pace.  light and fluffy.  T minus 2 days until half marathon.  my legs are very excited to rest, stretch and roll.  very excited.   

Staycation Days 3 and 4. 

day 3 was a roaring success.  Playdate in the am.  Birthday party in the afternoon.  Mommy night out in the evening that included a peartini.  I’m all about the fruity martini’s.  love ‘em. 

Day 4 is well underway. 

Trip to the mall.  Hit up H & M.  one of my favorite things to do is shop for clothes for the little kiddos.  much more fun than shopping for myself.  It’s like dressing up real live dolls.  Makes me feel like a big kid playing house.  wait.  I don’t have to play that one.  they’re really mine.  Got a few items to start the spring wardrobe.  the kids played in the play area.  we harassed panera for lunch.  sorry panera patrons who wanted a nice lunch without a screaming, tantrumming 2 year old.  today was not your lucky day. 

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Takes a lot of focus and hard work to eat a bowl of macaroni. serious stuff

I achieved my #1 goal for the day – keeping the kids out of the house all morning and tuckering their little heinies out.  Success.  Luker boy fell asleep on the way home.  happy sleeping kid.  happy sleeping peaceful mom. 

The girls and I made some brownies.  I grew up making brownies with my mom from scratch.  it’s a little sad to me that I will probably never do that.  then I get over it when all I have to do is add a little oil, water and egg and voila.  best brownies ever.  and it’s still a happy special time of brownie batter licking fun.  that’s what it’s all about anyway. 

 Hubs and I are trying to remedy this freaky new little smile Anna likes to sport.  that’s toned down a bit from the first take.  little scary.  working on it. 

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The mom in me – didn’t want to leave my #1 out of the post – #2 and #3 got pics, and I know my Nana and Bubba like to see the pics of the kids, they don’t care so much about the running talk… for you N & B

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Point proven – just realized I could do B & W on instagram!  wow. 


2 Days from my First Race of the year. 

My legs felt super tight and stiff this morning.  but that’s ok.  little TLC today and tomorrow and all is well. 

It’s 57 degrees here today.  this is a good week.  the weather is looking pretty snazzy for Saturday – high of 46 and sunny.  somebody loves me. 

I’m kind of excited for this race for a couple reasons.  and I would like to fill you in. 

1 – This is totally out of my comfort zone.  on many levels.  Normally, I would take one look at that elevation map and say no way.  I only run flat, easy, fast courses.  really.  I’m a wimp.  I don’t want to be that way.  This is good.  It’s a challenge and I’m glad I’m doing it.  I also don’t normally run anything this early in the year, nor do I or have I run any other half than the one I’m doing in June.  I don’t like change and I don’t like new things (unless they are a size 10 with 4 inch heels, made of designer denim or are leather, fit on my shoulder and come from Italy…to name a few)  Adding this race is a big step outside that little bitty circle I call comfort.  I keep my circle pretty small.  I like it like that.  This is making it a little bigger.  Bigger is better.  in this case.

Step outside your circle – or don’t – just make it bigger by adding a new something that you are already doing.  I’m already running, and I’m already doing races, I’m just adding a “new” race. 

Challenge yourself.  in any way.  grow.  become stronger. 

2 – This is a good way to ease into some bigger races I have coming up in April.  I think it will be nice to start with a half marathon and then go to the full.  Sometimes Often when I’m running, I think, how the heck am I going to do a marathon, faster than this pace, and it’s 26.2 miles!  Yes, that last .2 counts, because when you are running it, it feels like at least a 5K.  maybe worse. I’ve done 3 marathons, over the past 3 years.  I would still call myself a newbie to the marathon running.  And it’s a daunting distance.  I’m excited to get 13.1 miles in and let some of the there’s no way I can run a marathon, at the pace I want, or any pace, at all, ever, what am I thinking out of my head.  at least for a little while. 

I think people sometimes think that a marathon is what makes a runner, and if you haven’t done a marathon, you’re not really a runner.  NOT TRUE.  running a marathon is an amazing thing.  but it’s not the be all and end all of running.  set a goal and run a race.  any distance.  and you are a runner.  the smaller ones, whether it be a mile, a 5K, 10K, a half, are great confidence boosters to get you to where you ultimately want to be.  eventually. and it your own time.   

3 + 4 – It doesn’t start until 10am.  this is just perfect.  no reason to get up early.  that’s funny.  like I have a choice in the matter.  my little luke.  he loves to get up early.  at least I don’t have to rush out the door.  yay.  It’s all about sleep two nights before anyway.  I never get a restful night the night before any anticipated run.  early to bed tonight and I’m sure early to rise tomorrow.  and, technically I’m supposed to do a long run on Saturday.  this will knock off 13 miles in a fun way.  then I only have to do 6 or 7 more.  later in the day.  easy peasy lemon squeezy.  mom, I know you think this is crazy.  to run after a run.  it’s totally normal.  in a very not normal way.  

That’s all she wrote friends. 


Hows the weather doing where you live?  good for running?

Have you challenged yourself in any way lately?  running or not running related?

What time do you set your alarm for?  or do you have little human alarms that come in and wake you up at ungodly hours of the morning?  maybe that’s just me.  🙂




Rise and Shine!


I could think of nothing better to do at 5am on a Sunday morning than to bake some pumpkin bread.  maybe I could think of a couple things.  like sleep.  or have breakfast in bed.  or sleep. 

This little guy wanted to get an early start on the day.  early bird gets the worm or something?  I don’t want the worm.  I’m not hungry.  I want my warm bed.  with a coughing 5 year old in it.  that’s better than up at 4:40 am with an almost 2 year old.  Than I see this face….and I still want my bed 😉  

pumpkin bread it is.  let the baking begin.  5am. 

It is necessary to put an excessive amount of chocolate chips to make it an appropriate meal for Sunday breakfast. 


And take a picture with chef #2

tired much???

Voila.  Finished.  YUMMY. 

I’ll post the delicious recipe later.  you better believe it’s delicious.  and healthy.  true.

Go make yourself a delightful Sunday morning breakfast.  and Enjoy. 

Time to get ready for Church. and go feed my soul.  More later my friends. 


Do you like to have a nice big, indulgent breakfast on Sunday morning?

Did you stay up WAY TOO LATE last night, like me?

Leave me a comment below!:-)


Are you having a baby?


Workout – Treadmill 7 mile tempo run. 1 mile warmup, 5 mi @ 6:25, 1 mile cooldown – 47 min total.  please don’t ask me what “tempo” run means.  I was told, very intelligently, last week and I can’t be expected to remember it this week.  i have to make room for more important things like 2+2=4, my name is Katie, and don’t forget to pick your daughter up from school. 

I did my workout today on the gym treadmill.  My treadmill at home can’t be trusted with that kind of precise pace requirement.  That treadmill is reserved only for the i don’t care if my pace increases or decreases at any random moment run.  A few things clued me in that this probably wasn’t going to be running through a field of daisies kind of fun running. 

#1 – the pace for the day was 6:25, for 5 miles.  need I say more

#2 – I made the bad decision of going to bed later than 10:45 but earlier than 11

#3 – I had an evening workout yesterday.  meaning it had been less than 10 hours since my previous workout.  double trouble

#4 – my little person alarm clock had me up at 4am.  couldn’t snooze button that one away.  sad. 

way too happy to be alive

#5 – I’m not 100% sure how I got from my house to the gym at 5am, but I ended up there and had to peel myself out of my car once I got there. 

#6 – my 1 mile warmup felt like a full blown speedworkout run. 

I muscled through and made it 7 miles.  I was tempted to walk the cooldown, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what the plan meant by cooldown.  that smartcoach thing should really come with an instruction manual. 

in my most favorite running shorts. saved for special occasions. they don't end up at my armpits after a run. they stay on the hips like good shorts. must be my good birthing hips that keeps every running short from staying in place. except these. love.

Funny thing, when it was all done – I felt pretty good.  actually kind of felt like I had more energy to burn.  that’s why I love just going and getting the workout in, even when I am bone tired.  If I didn’t workout every time I was tired, I’d be 250 lbs depressed on my couch.  true.  I can think of a few people who wouldn’t be happy with that.  those endorphins really have the same effect as some sort of super strong antidepressants.  when used appropriately.  at least that’s what the doc tells me.

To top off my stellar morning, my little cherub greets me on my way in the door with, “your belly is big.  are you having a BABY or something???”  why no, my darling, I’m not having a baby.  but thank you for that wonderful observation you just made.  truth be told, it’s opposite day here today.  what she really meant was “mother, you look stunningly fit and fabulous.  how do you do it???”  that’s what she meant to say.  I know it.  I get free encouragement like that all the time.  kids are so cute.  But who would trust anything coming out of this mouth anyway? 

More later, my friends – on running, on goals, on life, on whatever I feel like talking about at the moment. 


Eggs anyone?


Workout (so far) :  Treadmill, 5 miles 1%-1.5% incline  33:50

T’was my glorious morning to get up with little monkey #3.  4:45 wakeup.  Tantrums began immediately!  He got up on the wrong side of the bed and nothing I did made it any better.  Maybe I should stick him on the treadmill and get him some endorphins pumping.  just a thought.  I was prepared though.  I knew I wasn’t going to be able to go to the gym this am:(  it is a very sad thing.  enter super husband!  Lucky for me, the kids only want their daddy in the morning.  could it be because they are tired of seeing me all day everyday??  heck, I get tired of this lovely face by the end of the day.

scary how good looking I am

 So he took over a little before 6.  AM.  and rushed me out the door to the gymbo.  I flew out of their like a pack of wild lions were chasing me.  leaving a trail of screaming kids behind me.  little cherub #1 was screaming for a waffle – I haven’t eaten in like 12 hours, I’m going to starve!!! How could you leave me?!?!  I’m POSITIVE your very capable father can feed you while I am gone.  6amand little cherub #3 smacking his lips for gum, screaming.  6am.  thankfully my #2 angel was still having sugarplum dreams.  because it’s 6am and that’s what children should be doing!!!:)

I had exactly 40 minutes from the moment my foot hit the treadmill until I had to walk back out the gym door.  It was going to have to be a speedy run.  bring on the endorphins.  thank God my husband knows how important it is for the sanity of our family for me to be properly exercised:)

made it out of the house. happiest looking face you get at 6am.

But, I am a rare breed of phenomenal wife/mother/breakfast cooker- I got to cooking as soon as I got home.  Mommy’s in a good mood – breakfast for everyone today!  (and every other day of my life:)) as soon as I walked back in the door the little monkeys started climbing all over me.  My “don’t shower and stay stinky and sweaty as long as possible so the kids won’t want to come near me” trick stopped working.  They don’t care anymore how stinky I am.  They always want something.  happy to oblige.  This morning it was eggs.  and waffles of course.  from the freezer.

need eggs? I think I need to get some chickens

After breakfast, still rocking the post workout stink glow.  Breakfast has been served. 

And lest you think I live in workout gear – I do own normal clothes!  Off to a playdate with the kiddos!

actually just had to document that I got showered and dressed. it's rare. like bigfoot sighting rare.

Last thing!  Thanks to HungryRunnerGirl at (one of my most fave blogs to read), I am smarter!  I now know exactly what tempo runs are.  Until I forget again tomorrow.  and I have to google it.  again.
Hope you made it through this SUPER long post without poking your eyes out or falling asleep.  so much to talk about.  more later peeps.   
Do YOU know what a tempo run is? Fartleks?  Repeats?   I didn’t know until not too long ago.   
What was for breakfast?
What time did you get up today?  and out of your bed:)


The problem with 3:45


Is that it’s 3:45!!! AM!!!  And it was my day to get up with him.  You know who I’m talking about.  It’s not a happy time.  It’s not a nice time.  I did nothing to deserve being woken up at this unspeakable hour.  You would think I make this crappola up.  I don’t.  true life stuff.  After 1 hour of trying to get the boy back in his bed, I gave up.  There are no cute pictures today of me and my precious Luke hanging out.  I wasn’t happy.  My #1 girl joined us at 5:00 am.  Still too early.  We did 5 loads of laundry, made cinnamon buns, cleaned out my closet…all before the sunrise.  how do you like THAT for productivity my friends.  Most of the world is still sleeping.  Not us.  we’ve got important things to do at 3:45 am.   

what's left of the cinnamon buns. no, not homemade. straight from can to oven. done.

Davey boy got up and scooted the kids right out on a little “road trip” to the shore (aka the CT river in our back yard) before it got ugly.  He’s a smart guy.  That’s why I married him.    

I took a nap last week after the 4:15 am wakeup party.  Not really a napper, so I’ll skip one today –  it’s too early in the year to start that habit anyway.  Off to the gym I go.  Iced coffee in hand.  I live for my iced coffee.  Don’t like it hot.  LOVE me some iced:)

YUM. ready to run. best coffee cup we have. I hide it in the cupboard so no one else uses it. I'm really good at sharing.

the plan for today – kill it on the stepmill.  Now to be a complete pessimist on the first day of the year – the problem with planning to do the stepmill is that there are only two at my gym.  only one is ever working.  That’s a tough one when it seems to be the most popular cardio machine at the gym.  I will throw fists today to get on that machine.  Fingers crossed for the stepmill. 

I’m finding I am enjoying taking pics of the workout gear.  to post. for your viewing pleasure.  I never knew what I looked like before I stepped out of the house and into the gym.  enlightening.  and slightly narcissistic I guess.  we’ll look past that.  I’m really a good person.

rockin' the head tilt. gotta make sure I fit all 5' 9 1/4" of me in the pic. that's right. I will claim that extra 1/4 inch as long as I can. like a three year old. and I finally shaved my legs so I can go out of the house in shorts. without frightening or harming any small children.

What’s your favorite cardio workout at the gym?

What time do you normally get up on the weekends?

Hot coffee, iced coffee, or tea?

Saturday Runs


Workout:  8 mile treadmill run, 1.5% incline, 6:45 min/mile avg pace + 2 miles on elliptical = 10 miles

I get VERY excited for my Saturday workout.  Like really really excited.  Pathetic, I know.  D man goes hunting early and I shoot out the door as soon as he walks in.  My weekday workouts are usually shorter and rushed because I don’t have the time.  I don’t always get to do the workout I want, just what I have time for.  But Saturday.  I look forward to it alllllll week.  I can take my time.  Do what I want.  Glorious.

Some weekends, such as this one, if I’m REALLY lucky, I get TWO good workouts.  No church tomorrow=nothing going on ALL day=me and the gym have another HOT date.  Life does not get better than that my friends.   

Gym gear for the day - I like pink

On Saturdays, I rarely do the workout I have in mind – but not because I don’t have time.  The plan today was to get in at least 12 miles.  The issue again was the knee.  Really does seem to have a mind of its own.  Lets name it.  We’ll call it “lefty”.  I’m cruising along just fine and dandy –  BAM.  Mile 6, lefty has had enough.  Made it to 8 miles and called it.  Gave it a little stretching TLC.  Threw in a quick strength circuit, then jumped on the elliptical to make it a 10 mile day.

Close up of the pink sneaks for your viewing pleasure.  I get at least 3 compliments every time I wear them to the gym.  Totally worth the $48 I spent on them.  Even if I am cheating on my Kinvara’s.

I’ll fill you in on all of my new years resolutions that I’ve made and already broken tomorrow.  Until then, this is probably what my New Year’s Eve will look like…

We spare NO expense ringing in the New Year

sitting on the couch watching “Inception” or “Bridesmaids” for the 18th time.  As long as the chickadees are soundly sleeping – I’m a happy girl:)


We’ve Set a New Record


Too bad it had nothing to do with running in any way, shape or form! 

4:15 am – the earliest I have ever been up with one of my “sleeping through the night” children, on a consistent basis.  It’s an absurd hour.  It’s in-humane.  It’s borderline abuse. 

This is what 4:15 am looks like:

Don’t be fooled, it’s not as cute and adorable as it looks. 

Ok, maybe it is:)

The way it works in the Edwards’ household is that (historically speaking) I get up with the kids.  Part of the whole “stay at home mom” thing.  With the new development of the little guy thinking 4:15 is an acceptable time to start the day – we had to make a new plan.  I draw the line at 4:45 – I will get up at that time everyday to go to the gym and get my sweat on, but I can NOT start my day to an off-the-wall 22 month old at 4:15 everyday followed by the other two monkeys around 6-6:30am.  So the hubster and I alternate days.  Unfortunately for me, this was my day to get up with the boy – and it was a Saturday  (unfortunately for parents, children don’t care whether or not it’s a weekend – they’re up early!) 

The whole gang

Silly that my #1 concern was when and how am I going to get my long(ish) run in now?!?! 

The 7:30am nap really helped whip me back into shape – and I was cruisin’ on the treadmill by 10. 

The rest of the day is a complete blur – but it was Christmas eve, so I’m sure it included a little present wrapping, hanging with the family time. 

I used to have a GREAT memory – it went straight out the window when the kids came.  Now I can’t remember what I had for breakfast.  That’s a lie, I have the exact same thing every day.  More like I can’t remember whether or not I brushed my teeth, put deodorant on.  You know, basic hygiene, it’s a tough one;)

What about YOU???

Are Saturday/Sundays usually reserved for longish runs?

What time do you get up on the weekends?

How early is TOO early?

Shhhh!!! They’re sleeping!


It is a RARE occurrence when the house is quiet and TWO of my three children are sleeping at the same time.  Rare as in it hasn’t happened in about….1.8 years – yes, that means that during the day, there is no rest for the weary (mother, that is).  And it must be documented for the history books. 

Holy cow – it’s unrreal.  Dumbfounded.  So, what do I do???  Not clean, that’s for sure.  Cleaning can only happen when the energy to move and the motivation to do it are precisely in sync – not syncing today – not happening up in here.  And why do I feel the need to clean when I have 3 minutes of quiet???  I cleaned last month, it’s all good;) 

This is why rolling out of bed and directly into my runninng clothes works for me.  So that when the moment such as this presents itself, I am ready to terrorize my treadmill and crank out a few miles.  Of course today, I decide to put real people clothes on and look like a real adult.  So I sit here NOT running and NOT being productive.  It is actually almost paralyzing to a mom when there is peace and quiet – there are ten million things I could be doing, but certainly can’t get all of them done.  I’m an all or nothing kind of person – I’ll go with nothing for today:) 

Ok, ok.  I do have exactly 38 minutes before #3 needs to be picked up from school.  I will break my all or nothing rule and just do the run.  I can get in a good 5 and call it a day.  Peace people!!


This 5 year old has taken about 3 naps in the past 3 years – one TIRED chic!