Tag Archives: marathon trials

It’s like CAKE


Workout – treadmill – 12 miles 88 min.  1% incline, than alternated 4-5% incline for last 1/4 of each mile.  make sense?  didn’t think so.

I started getting anxious about all of this treadmill running I’m doing.  I’m used to running outside.  where there are naturally, hills.  go figure.  not so on the treadmill.  not sure what a 4 or 5% incline translates to, but I know it’s not flat.  I’m a braniac disguised as a mom.  actually, the 5% incline made it seem like cake when I put it back down to 1%.  really.  felt like I was eating a hunka chocolate cake.  YUM.  lets do it every day. 

this was an instance where I had to make a conscious decision to put my little finger on the treadmill button that said “incline” and pump it up.  I had to do something I didn’t really want to do.  the only way to get better, faster, stronger.  I improvised.  the plan didn’t even have to tell me to do this.  but I was getting too comfortable

I also had the novel idea to listen to music while I ran today.  I know.  no one has EVER thought to do that before.  I don’t know why???  it made my 12 mile treadmill torture run feel like……a 12 mile treadmill run…..but maybe 30% happier.  I think I may have even smiled once.  maybe sang out loud.  I have never listened to music when I run.  not an exaggeration.  never happened.  there is enough noise in my life.  i never felt the need to clutter my 40 minutes of running solitude with more noise.  and I have this weird thing that if the only way I can make it through a marathon or a long run is by listening to music, than I’m kind of cheating myself?  very strange.  don’t judge.  or ask me to explain that one any further. 

but, there is a first for everything.  I decided the only way I was going to make it through this run was by listening to music.  Turns out my music kind of s-u-c-k-s.   lets just say the Les Mis soundtrack and Leanne Rimes don’t exactly get the heart pumping and adrenaline flowing.   I need some HELP in that area. 

If you lovely folks have ANY music suggestions, I will put them directly on to my phone and thank you kindly for getting me through my long runs.  anything is better than Andrea Bocceli and the GLEE soundtrack.  for running.   

I came home and stuffed my face with a tuna/salsa/wrap thing.  perty yummy.  i was hungry again about 36 minutes later. 

mmmm. tasty.


and than I watched my children scarf down waterfowl that my husband hunted down this morning.  I think that manly dinner I made him, made him want to go shoot things this morning.  they call it a sport.  i dunno. 

mmmm. more tasty. just keeps getting tastier.

Saturday is not complete without a little dance dance remix party.  to none other than Selena Gomez and her teeny bopper Disney friends. 

Get a look at these moves.  wowza.

We are going out on the town tonight to celebrate a friend’s birthday.  will report back on the deliciousness that wasn’t my own home-cooked meal and gladly eaten by yours truly.  I get really excited to eat out.  especially at my favorite little restaurant that is only a mile from my house.  I will try to not order everything off the menu.  and act like a lady.  that’s a tough one. 

ps – I said I wasn’t going to watch the marathon trials for the Olympics, but I caught the last 20 minutes ( a 2, 4 and 5 year old don’t think it’s fun to watch running??  I don’t get it)  Amazing.  going to be honest.  I may have gotten a little choked up when the winners came through.  men. and women.  I’m emotional these days.  all I can say.  I want to be one of the “slow” woman in that race.  that’s all. 

Stay safe kids!

If you could ask the olympic marathoners 1 question, what would it be?

I would ask, “what the heck are you eating that keeps you so strong, healthy and so fast???”

What is your favorite restaurant to go out on a “date” to?

What have you done to push yourself lately?  running or not running related…

Leave a comment below!!