The How To Friday that was neglected



Thursday: 9 miles outside, hilly.  7:23 pace. I would call this one kindofeasy but notcompletelyeasy, on the easy scale.

Friday: 9.25 miles outside, some hills.  7:35 pace.  Easy.  This was supposed to be easy, actually I had intentions of keeping it easier than that pace.  Sometimes my legs do what they want to do.  Today was actually kind of a little bit harder because all systems were not a go go.  Between it being kind of cold and windy, my garmin copping an attitude at the very beginning and my bowels copping an attitude at the very end forcing me to jump in a bush – I’m just glad I made it home.  Alive. 

I’m pretty happy – let me share with you why….#1 – I have gotten in 3 good outside runs this week.  Only 2 on the treadmill.  Phenomenal.   #2 – After today’s run, my mileage for the week is at 41.  And I still have my long run tomorrow.  This will probably definitely be the most miles I’ve run in one week.  Ever.  It would help if I kept some sort of running log where I could easily look back and see what my weekly miles are like.  But I don’t do that.  I just know I have never run mileage into the high 40’s, nevermind 50’s, in one week.  The running journal is on the long the list of things that I should, and want to do.  Somewhere between becoming a superstar and hiring a personal maid/chef/laundry do-er.  Someday I will get around to the list.  Other than a super tight right hamstring that I am trying to stretch the heck out of – my body has not revolted against this mileage yet.  I feel good.  It is definitely a lot of work, for me, to run this much per week.  But, it turns out it’s possible to do something you thought wasn’t possible if you put your mind to it.  and have a great husband that assists in the morning mayhem allowing me to get the runs in.  Much love my dear.

Yesterday was beyond words beautiful out.  I got my run in early.  It was glorious.  I wore a tank top.  So much fun not running all bundled up and not on the treadmill.

So naturally, with a beautiful, sunny, temp in the high 60’s day, in good Katie fashion, I would make the wise decision to plant my butt at the island…inside…not anywhere near the gorgeous, shining sun…to get my tax crappola together for the accountant.

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Why do I make decisions like this?  I think it could probably be considered child abuse that I made the kids stay inside yesterday morning so I could get this done.  In all fairness, I don’t really have control over decisions like staying inside on the most beautiful day we have had in the past 8 months.  Taxes are a necessary evil, much like cleaning.  I can’t plan out when I am going to clean my bathrooms, much like I can’t plan out when exactly I’m going to feel like sitting in a pile of papers – something just hits me, and I clean.  and I do taxes.  When the urge actually hits, you’ve got to just do it.  Somehow, the stars aligned yesterday, giving me the irresistible need to get this chore out of the way.  I guess if I were more organized in 2011, this wouldn’t have taken so long.  Se la vie.

This is what happens when mama Kate tries to do ANYTHING productive.  First, I completely tune out the children, which leads to unpredictable messes throughout the house.  There were only 2 little cherubs at home at the time, so it wasn’t too hard.

The only one I caught in action was this little guy having emptied all of the cereal into the basket, trying to smuggle it up to his room. 

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Other than that, no major mishaps.  Wonderful.  Taxes done.  Kidlings, and house, still intact.  Success.

This springy weather has also prompted me to put on real clothes and look like a pink tablecloth cute and adorable in my pink checkered gingham waiting for spring to actually arrive.  Ok, it was quite a bit colder today, but I’m holding onto yesterday’s weather and pretending it’s not windy and 40 out.  It was one of those days where I simply could not function if I didn’t get showered and dressed first thing.  I realize, this is a given for most people – but for this stay at home mom, showering before 8pm is usually a luxury.  Today it was indeed a necessity.  As soon as I put said clothes on, I had to resist every urge not to change into comfies.  I am still fully clothed in the same outfit.    And I always feel it necessary to document when I wearreal clothes for a day.  Another success.

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   Look at that.  Someone finally cleaned up that poor child’s room.  and it wasn’t the poor child.  It was the poor child’s mother.  She’s not such a poor child.

I had started working on a fantastic little “How To Friday” post for you lovelies – life happened and different choices were made and it’s not getting done.  For another day altogether.  You can bet it will be special, and informational and oh so spectacular, unlike the other decisions I made that trumped getting the “how to” blog post done.  Those were not so spectacular, and included things like taking the previously mentioned shower, vacuuming under the sofa, and going to the doctor, among other things.  And doing a little bit of strength workout.  LIke, really little bit, but I’ll take what I can get.  I’ve REALLY been missing my strength workouts lately.  I would venture to say they make me feel just as good in a different sort of way as I do after a good run.  There is nothing like a good dose of strength in your life. 

Whatever those daily choices are that you have to make – I’m not talking life and death stuff here – just simple stuff in terms of priorities and chores and fun things and not so fun things – do something that gets your feel good endorphins going, something that makes you happy.  Even if that means letting the dust bunnies play a little longer.  Like snuggling with the cutest little boy on the face of the planet.  Don’t even try to dispute that.

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Thank God for instagram.  It makes life look happier.  and calmer.  and happier. 

Or taking a trip to TJ Maxx (which I am severely missing in my life right now), a super fun group fitness class, a pedicure, a chocolate bar, a shower, a guilty pleasure reality TV show, dare I say cleaning, generally, it’s NOT cleaning for me – but for some strange folks, that’s what makes you feel good.  I don’t understand that type of person, never will.

Have a happy Friday friends and a fantastic weekend full of long runs and lots of fun!

*You have until 8pm to enter my cute little giveaway*

*Check out some other HOW TO FRIDAY posts*






Now leave me some love…

Who is doing some long run fun this weekend?

 Who is having just plain fun that has nothing to do with running?  Does that kind of fun exist? 😉

Who has races this weekend?

Does a good strength workout make you feel good?


About msfitrunner

I am a 29 year old stay at home, hardworking mom to my three little loves! My oldest little darling is 5, little sis is 4 and baby brother is almost 2. I have been married to my Mr. Wonderful for almost 7 years (ahhh!). My faith and my family is my rock, and I have a newfound LOVE for running. Maybe it's more of a necessity at this point - to maintain household peace and my own sanity, but whatever it is, it's working for me and I'm loving the racing. The vegan world has been calling my name, so I am testing out those waters as well! That's a tough one with three little picky eaters at home, but I am having fun coming up with new recipes and trying out new things. Follow along as I chronicle this crazy running life, and ALL the craziness that goes with it!

19 responses »

  1. Hi! I just found your blog today through Hungry Runner Girl’s blog… having fun reading about you and your running 🙂 I am a stay at home mom of two kiddos and started running a little over a year ago. Caught the “bug” bad when I discovered how much running seems to balance out my life (aka keeps me sane!)! My question is, how in the world are you SUCH A FAST mother- runner??? I just finished my first marathon and it took me 4:44! I really want finish my next one in 4 or under (California International in December) any tips?

    • First, hi and thank you for reading and commenting!!! Second, I love that term, “mother-runner” 🙂 Third, search for a post called “how to get faster” in the search box….but I will maybe try to do another post of personally what worked for me, as a mom and a runner. I’ll have to think about some “tips” and get back to you! If you want sub 4 bad enough, you will get it, I promise! 🙂 Running is amazing, even more so with kids and keeping the sanity going….if you’ve only been running for a year or so, speed will definitely come. Have a great weekend!!!

      • Thank you! I will search and keep reading 🙂 It really is great to hear what works from another mama who runs. You are a great writer… looking forward to following your blog!

  2. So excited for my runs this weekend! Doing 8 miles on Saturday with an old friend who is new to running, and 11 miles on Sunday with new friends. Other than that, time with out of town friends and in-laws.
    I love green girl runnings’s term “mother-runner”; makes us sound tough! 🙂

    • WOW! That sounds like a fantastic running weekend!!! I haven’t even decided what my mileage is going to be tomorrow…leaning towards shorter long run, in the 15-16 range, with some speed in the middle. I hope you have great runs with good friends and enjoy the family time- sounds like a busy weekend all around! ps- we are totally tough;-)


  3. This weekend calls for a 20 mile run and a few parties to attend…oh boy! With that said, I have a full weekend of fun. As for strength; I do love me some strength. I love it so much I wake up every morning and crank out about 50 push-ups religiously. 🙂
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I love a good strength workout. I like to feel strong!
    My highest mileage in a week was 40 miles, (which was just a few months ago). I loved the feeling of accomplishment. I’ve been keeping a running log for years and seeing the big 40 definitely was exciting.
    Congrats on hitting your highest mileage week!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I can 100% relate to what you say about real clothes. It’s so rare that I am not in my workout wear until late into the evening after the kids are in bed. It’s so bad, when I do wear real clothes my kids comment how pretty I look.

    Woke up to snow on the ground — just a dusting but makes me not quite as excited about my outdoor run, but it’s been such an easy winter I really cannot complain. Kevin and I have a Bar Mitzvah to attend tonight, so we’re staying in Boston…looking forward to my favorite run around the river tomorrow morning.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    • You get me – this is why Lululemon apparel is a complete necessity;-) so I don’t look like a complete schlep! I don’t want to hear snow! That definitely makes the run less exciting, but once you get out there, it doesn’t matter! I hope you got in a great run!! And enjoy your night in Boston- jealous;)
      ps – I just ordered 5 pairs of shoes looking for a flat – some mizunos, so we’ll see which ones work out! I’ll do a post on them when they get here.

  6. I LOVE strength training and do a few exercises after each run.

    I’m not sure where you live, but we’ve had crazy nice weather here in Chicago! Was out running in a sports bra the other day!

    Planning on doing 15 today. Have a good weekend!

    • When it’s nicer out, I like to do the same thing – a few strength exercises after the run. I’m in CT, so the weather has been pretty good. I think we get whatever you have like a week later:) It was 70 the other day! Today is colder, but not unbearable. I hope you get your 15 in and it’s an awesome run for you!
      Have a great day:-)

  7. I have an 18 miler tomorrow… the day that the rain is supposed to come back. I am still excited to see what I can do now that my long runs are getting longer. For non-run fun I had a friend come up for the night last night! You should totally use your blog and add a tab that is your running journal. It was be just as easy as posting! Plus it is always inspirational to see what other people are up to!

    • Good luck on your 18!! That’s a fun distance – totally makes you work, but not quite as bad as the 20-21! Funny you should mention the journal tab, that is a great idea! I need to figure out this blog though, because my anal-ness comes out when I add one more tab, they start a new row on the bottom. I don’t like that! Silly little things:) It would be nice to have it all in one place though, instead of just at the top of each blog post. I’m going to work on that! Have a great day!!!

  8. I have been following your blog for a few weeks, and I am also amazed at how fast you run. I have gone for a jog here and there over the years, but finally decided it was high time to make a proper commitment so I have entered my first half in May. But I feel sooooo slow when I look at your times, my goal for this half is 2 hours, but I would love to get that down over time, even though I am impatient for speed now! Have you looked at Strava for keeping a log of your runs. It is dead simple, you just upload the runs straight from your garmin, and it keeps all your stats for you, and you can compare months and runs and follow friends (as well as have friends follow you too), there is a challenge that started yesterday, and judging by your high mileage you would be up at the top in no time.

    • Hi Fiona! Thank you so much for commenting. Don’t let my times or speeds discourage you! I did NOT start out running those speeds. When I started running just a few years ago, a mile was a lot of effort. I am impatient like you though, and I want it NOW!:) But, it definitely takes work and time. If you are willing to put it in, you WILL see an improvement, I promise! It just takes some time, consistency and hard work when the day calls for it. Keep setting goals, and keep making them harder to reach – you will be suprised when you reach goals that you never thought possible. Believe in yourself and your ability! I do think actually signing up for a race is the best way to prepare for it. Sometimes I talk a lot about a race I am “going” to do, but when I finally sign up, the pressure is on. I will check out the strava, I’ve never heard of it but it sounds interesting. Thanks!

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